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Report Center

Create and download reports on your event, venue or festival activity.
Report Center

There are multiple opportunities for users to create reports in Crescat. In our Report Center we bring all of these reports together for simple creation and download of reports.

Example Reports:

  • Day Sheets: Download day sheets for one or multiple days, grouped by events, rooms or dates.
  • Event Reports: Get a report on the events over a period of time including key information like venue/room bookings, invoices, contact information and more.
  • Checklist Reports: Report on your check lists over a certain period across all of the events where they have been used.
  • Invoice Reports: Download an overview of all of the invoices on your events as a CSV or PDF.
  • Metadata Reports: Report on your metadata over a certain period across all of the events where they have been used.
  • Contact Reports: Get a detailed overview of the events that your contacts are part of and related event information or download a list of all your contacts/companies.
  • Venue Reports: Get a report on venue/room usage.
  • Shift Reports: Get a report on shifts for one, some or all members of your organization. Useful for running payroll!

Our reports are available as PDF or CSV, and they allow you to make informed decisions based on detailed event data.

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