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Room Restrictions

Set room restrictions to avoid bookings that clash and cause real life problems.
Room Restrictions

Less Clash, More Cash
While Crescat already safeguards against double bookings in your venue, another costly booking blunder lurks in the dark. An art exhibition sharing a wall with a rock concert is a mistake that’s embarrassing and expensive, yet avoidable. 

Room Restrictions allow you to mark two rooms that require careful consideration before booking overlapping events. Once a restriction is set, Crescat stands guard preventing these rooms from becoming casualties of oversight, ensuring seamless event coordination, and maximizing your venue's profitability.

You’re in Control
Room Restrictions show descriptive warnings whenever you attempt to book restricted rooms with overlapping times, however, it trusts your judgment and allows you to override the warning if you deem it safe. In this case, simply accept the warning and complete the booking. Like a friend, Crescat doesn’t challenge your intelligence when booking restricted rooms for the same event and only lends a hand when needed.

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