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Release Notes

Stay up to date with our latest releases and updates.

Crescat - 31/05/2024

  • FEATURE: Festival - Create accreditation automatically for Travel Party on Performances
  • FEATURE: Festival - Now you can download a report of festival sections with their personnel status
  • UPDATE: Festival - Filter Public Form table using ranges on number fields
  • UPDATE: Festival - Internal Fields on Public forms now editable inline
  • UPDATE: Festival - Connect Festival Shifts to events that happen on a different day
  • Bug: Event - Fixed issue with URLs in Rich Text Fields 
  • Bug: Venue - Fixed issue with Reopening Declined Event Requests 
  • BUG: Festival - Fixed issue with Documents on Info Section in Festival Sections

Crescat - 25/05/2024

  • UPDATE: Festival - Light mode on public form responders page
  • UPDATE: Festival - Reorder advance info sections
  • UPDATE: Festival - Set time frame when adding Accreditations for travel party. 
  • UPDATE: Festival - Add Driver information to Local Travel
  • UPDATE: Festival - Add a submission message to your Public Forms.  
  • UPDATE: Festival - Edit internal fields in line on performances
  • UPDATE: All - New Members Page on Events, Groups, Festival Sections and Festival Settings. 

Crescat - 09/04/2024

  • FEATURE: Festival - Search for events on the Scheduler 
  • FEATURE: Festival - Global Times on Rooms and Venues
  • FEATURE: Festival - Filters on Performances
  • FEATURE: Festival -Create a public link for Performance Guestlists
  • FEATURE: Festival - Add a room type to Accommodation Guests 
  • FEATURE: Festival - Room and Venue Level Scheduler View
  • UPDATE: Festival - New Design for Travels and Accommodations
  • UPDATE: Festival - Documents can now be shared on Performer Advance 
  • UPDATE: Festival - New design for the Festival Scheduler Cards
  • UPDATE: Festival - New Layout on the Festival Scheduler
  • UPDATE: Festival - Add new performance and new venues from the Scheduler Page
  • UPDATE: Festival - Info Sections is now a tab on the Public Forms
  • UPDATE: Festival - Now you can access Stage Display on the Venues page
  • UPDATE: Festival - Locked mode is now called “Viewing”
  • BUG FIX: Festival - Fixed Issues with advance info sections fields not showing description 
  • BUG FIX: Group - Fixed issues with downloading Shift Reports

Crescat - 11/03/2024

  • FEATURE: Group: New List Version for Group Dashboard and Personal Dashboard.  
  • UPDATE: Group - New experience while selecting dates for multi day events.  
  • BUG FIX: Festival - Fixed issues with seeing all responders on Assign Page
  • BUG FIX: Festival - Fixed issues with dialling numbers from Responders Page
  • BUG FIX: Festival - Fixed issues with Crews not showing on Responder Pages

Crescat - 28/02/2024

  • FEATURE: Festival - Now you can assign shifts to responders from the Responder Slide Out.
  • UPDATE: Festival - Full Venue address now displayed on Public Form Responders Page.
  • BUGFIX: Group - Fixed issue with shift across midnight being repeated on both days.
  • BUGFIX: Group - Fixed issue with Events and Shifts not showing after midnight.
  • BUGFIX: Mobile App - Fixed issues with Notes on Crescat Companion.
  • BUGFIX: Group - Issue with uploading internal documents on Subgroups is now fixed.

Crescat - 13/02/2024

  • FEATURE: Festival - Rollover your assets from previous festivals
  • FEATURE: Group - Now you can merge duplicate entries in your contact list
  • UPDATE: New position for Message Event Members on Event
  • UPDATE: Invite section added to create event slide-out.
  • UPDATE: Option to invite Contacts and Companies to Events
  • UPDATE: New view for users with No Read Access to Group
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed travel list bugs
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed issue with Date of Birth Fields
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed issue with dropdowns not working

Crescat - 25/01/2024

  • UPDATE: Event - Write Access Members on Events can now edit showtimes and event description on the Event Information page and Intermediate Step
  • UPDATE: Group - The Group Dashboard has been moved to the top right of the calendar.
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed bugs with adding shifts from Intermediate Step

Crescat - 18/01/2024

  • FEATURE: Festival - Edit the Field titles in the For You section on public forms
  • FEATURE: Venue - You can now delete Event Requests
  • UPDATE: Group - New Additions to the event dashboard right click menu
  • UPDATE: Group - More information on Delete Event Requests
  • UPDATE: Group - New design for the intermediate step
  • UPDATE: Festival: You can now hide the tabs you don't want on your event's intermediate step
  • UPDATE: Group - You can now change the colours of Header Rows on Running order

Crescat - 12/01/2024

  • UPDATE: All - New card view for Item lists to make them more distinguishable
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed bug while creating Info Sections
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed bug when assigning primary event on a performance
  • BUGFIX: All - Fixed bug with Ipad scrolling
  • BUGFIX: Event - Fixed bug with Running Order on Mobile Phones
  • BUGFIX: Event - Fixed bugs on Timeline Templates

Crescat - 21/12/2023

  • UPDATE: You can now multi-select rows on Boards
  • UPDATE: Travels and Accommodation lists are now filterable by when they happen - Past or Future
  • UPDATE: Do more with the Help button: Send feedback and get more information about Crescat.
  • UPDATE: Suggested inputs are now available on Boards

Crescat - 14/12/2023

  • FEATURE: New Event Search on Group Dashboard.
  • UPDATE: Metadata Reports have been updated.
  • UPDATE: Project leaders will be notified when events are deleted.
  • UPDATE: Drag and Drop Rows on Boards.
  • UPDATE: Add above/below and duplicate rows on Boards.
  • BUGFIX: Bug fixes on Advances.
  • BUGFIX: Fixed issues with Long Metadata PDF Reports.

Crescat - 05/12/2023

  • FEATURE: Timelines can now be set up with dynamic timing relative to either the start of the show or the start of the production period.
  • UPDATE: Timeline Templates now have a new design - the drag-and-drop calendar view.
  • BUGFIX: Several Bug Fixes

Crescat - 21/11/2023

  • UPDATE: New visual design.
  • UPDATE: Filters for Festival Scheduler are now in the top right corner.
  • UPDATE: Templates in settings mode are now always in edit mode.
  • BUGFIX: Several Bug Fixes.

Crescat - 14/11/2023

  • FEATURE: Duplication of Events in Festivals
  • FEATURE: Report Center
  • UPDATE: New Overview page in Settings
  • UPDATE: Project Leader notified when Checklist is completed
  • UPDATE: New right-click menu on Dashboard
  • UPDATE: Updated usability for web addresses
  • UPDATE: Invoice elements are now draggable
  • BUGFIX: Several Bug Fixes

Crescat – 30/08/2023

  • FEATURE: Stage Displays
  • FEATURE: Calendar Links: Generate calendar integration links for Groups, subgroups and rooms
  • FEATURE: Clear information on responders
  • FEATURE: Ability to duplicate Festival Event and Shifts
  • FEATURE: Message shift members on a festival section
  • UPDATE: Festival Sections Communications updated with new improvements
  • UPDATE: Custom fields can be added to Contacts and Companies lists
  • UPDATE: Overlapping Shifts on Festivals
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bugs on Shifts create and update

Crescat – 14/08/2023

  • FEATURE: Light mode added to Crescat.
  • UPDATE: A quicker way to add Festival Advance Sections.
  • UPDATE: Improved Boards on Events
  • UPDATE: Improved design for Shifts
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bugs with Event and Shift Reports
  • BUGFIX: Fixed issues with sorting of Travels in Chronological Order

Crescat – 07/07/2023

  • FEATURE: You can now connect shifts to events on any date
  • UPDATE: New design on Festival Performance Travels
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bugs with Public Form Responders pages
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bugs with Performance list in breadcrumbs

Crescat – 04/07/2023

  • UPDATE: Assign responders to more than one shift in overlapping periods
  • UPDATE: Search public form responders with Phone number and email
  • BUGFIX: Fixed bugs with Timeline Templates
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Event template bugs

Crescat – 22/06/2023

  • FEATURE: Festival - You can add private fields to public forms only accessible internally
  • UPDATE: Ability to use negative units and amounts in invoices
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Timeline Templates bug
  • BUGFIX: Fixed Event templates bug

Crescat – 09/06/2023

  • FEATURE: Festival - New Performance Dashboard
  • UPDATE: Festival - You can now add a note when collecting accreditations
  • UPDATE: Festival - Public form responders can now be assigned multiple shifts easily on the Responder details.
  • UPDATE: Festival - Primary info sections are now called “Sticky on top”.
  • UPDATE: Venue - Event Request responses now directly accessible from Settings
  • UPDATE: Festival - Public Form description and terms are now accessible and editable from the Form edit environment.
  • UPDATE: Festival - Add/Edit Travel Plan modal has been revamped
  • BUGFIX: Venue - Fixed subgroup count
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed bugs with duplicated companies on performances.

Crescat - 22/05/2023

  • FEATURE: Festival - New multi-criteria filtering for public form responders in Public Forms and when using Add Multiple in Festival Sections while assigning shifts.
  • UPDATE: Festival - You can now add your entire travel party to an accommodation or local travel within a performance.
  • UPDATE: Global - Phone number input now has a convenient country code selector.
  • BUGFIX: Venue - Improved visibility of vertical ellipsis for feature settings on smaller screens.

Crescat - 15/05/2023

  • FEATURE: Mandatory fields can now be added to Event Requests and Public Forms to collect critical information from responders.
  • FEATURE: Communicate to all members of your festival sections (crew and public form responders) with the Mail Out action.
  • FEATURE: Festival - Now you can view the list of all the crew members categorized by festival sections.
  • FEATURE: Festival - You can now duplicate shifts across dates or shift time slots.
  • FEATURE: Festival - Added more options for reply-to emails when sending communication emails to public form responders.
  • UPDATE: Festival - Performance Info Fields on Advances can now be reordered and modified.
  • UPDATE: Festival - Time slots on the Public Form Responders Page are now sorted chronologically.
  • UPDATE: Festival - The assign button on the Public Form Responders list is always visible for clarity and ease of use.
  • BUGFIX: Venue - Fixed bugs on simple events, time inputs, and invite modals.
  • BUGFIX: Festival - Fixed bugs on the Travellers list and some browsers not showing arrival and departure.

Crescat - 29/03/2023

  • BUGFIX: Sorted out issues with Project Leaders on Performances and Users on Festivals.
  • BUGFIX: Fixed minor bugs in the Sidebar.
  • BUGFIX: Minor fixes in Metadata, checklists & invoices.
  • BUGFIX: Patched an issue with setting arrival and departure dates for travels.

Crescat Design Update - 27/03/2023

  • FEATURE: Complete visual overhaul focused on beautifying and ease of use.
  • UPDATE: Great new color palette designed to maximize eye comfort.
  • UPDATE: Action buttons are easily identifiable and conveniently grouped in the upper right of the element they belong to.
  • UPDATE: Settings and performance pages have been revamped for easier navigation.
  • UPDATE: Dashboard filters are minimized by default, for a clearer view of the calendar's contents.
  • UPDATE: Optimal use of screen real estate; important details get more focus.

Crescat - 12/05/2022

  • FEATURE: Crescat Festival - We have added an overview of all your festival's advances, displaying number of emails sent, and the number of times the artist has opened their advance page.
  • FEATURE: Crescat Festival - We have added a new and improved accreditation list in the side menu, for easier access and better navigation.
  • BUGFIX: An issue regarding sharing checklists with subgroups has been resolved

Crescat Companion (Version 2.0.0) - 08/05/2022

  • UPDATE: New and improved design. We have added a new side navigation menu for easier navigation.
  • FEATURE: Invoice basis is now accessible in the mobile app

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