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New Feature: Performances now available on Crescat Event and Crescat Venue

We are delighted to announce a new feature for our Event and Venue products: the Performances module. Performances is a hugely popular feature in our Festival product and is frequently top of our Event and Venue customer wish lists, so we are very happy to bring this feature to Crescat Event and Crescat Venue.

From Booking to Curtain Call: Manage Your Performers Effortlessly

Crescat's Performances module simplifies your artist and talent management and booking by providing a central hub where you can streamline workflows, track crucial details, and gain a comprehensive overview of all your performers.

Performances overview
Key Benefits

  • Centralized Booking Management: Effortlessly manage all artist bookings in one location, eliminating the need for scattered spreadsheets or emails.
  • Performance Tracking: Gain a comprehensive overview of your entire performance schedule, including progress updates and key details.
  • Travel & Logistics Management: Maintain a bird's-eye view of travel and transportation arrangements for each performance, ensuring smooth logistics and artist arrival.
  • Advanced Information Sharing: Seamlessly share and collect essential information with performers, including guest lists, contact details, and production requirements. Data received populates directly into your performance details, saving valuable time.

Performances advancing feature in action
Great, how do I get it?

If you're an existing customer on an eligible plan, you will receive an email from us introducing you to the new feature. Should you have any questions or need assistance getting started, our support team is here to help.

For new customers, Performances is included on our Event/Venue Premium tiers, or as an add-on available at €119 per month

We're confident that the Performances module will enhance your artist management experience and elevate your event planning even further. More information on the Performances feature is available here.

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