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Friends Don't Let Friends Use Spreadsheets

VADSØ, NORWAY: At Kooperativet Kulturscene, Vadsø Jazzklubb has undergone a significant transformation in how they conduct cultural events, thanks to the implementation of Crescat. In a recent interview with the club's managing director, André Kvernhaug, we gained insight into his experiences using Crescat Venue and Crescat Festival.

From Volunteer to Virtuoso

André Kvernhaug began as a volunteer stage manager for "Teltet" at Varangerfestivalen, where he noticed that the stage was underprioritized and underproduced.

"When I discovered that the artist coordinator was working from spreadsheet printouts that didn't match the information the technicians and production manager had, it was reason enough to explore what production tools were available in the market."

Taking over the leadership role at Vadsø Jazzklubb / Varangerfestivalen in March 2020, André gained insight into the challenges that came with being a smaller player with limited resources. He realized the need to avoid duplicative work and to centralize all tasks in one place. At that time, he heard about Crescat and how it had helped streamline work processes for other organizers, including Alta Live. Getting a recommendation to involve the technicians, from the producer at Alta Live, convinced André that Crescat could be the answer to the club's and festival's challenges.

“...The artist coordinator was working from spreadsheet printouts that didn't match the information the technicians and production manager had...” 

 André Kvernhaug

The Show-Stealing Solution

With Crescat implemented, Vadsø Jazzklubb finally has all tasks in one place, saving valuable time and resources. With a comprehensive overview of all productions, they adapt easily to changes, such as sick personnel or absentees. Crescat has become their central platform for administration and coordination of productions, including booking, technical planning, and artist management.

With more than 80-90 productions annually, including year-round operations and the festivals Varangerfestivalen and Valo Rock, Crescat is an invaluable resource for Vadsø Jazzklubb. The system has freed the club up to focus more on programming and the artistic aspects, rather than dealing with cumbersome administrative tasks.

The transition to Crescat was both a financial and organizational investment, where it was crucial to get all involved parties to use the system. The technicians recognized the value of Crescat and contributed to the successful implementation.

Photographer: Wera Uschakowa

Investment for Excellence

André emphasizes the importance of being a reliable and professional producer and supplier in the industry. By using Crescat, the volunteer-based foundation has established a secure base for venue rentals and events, thereby strengthening its reputation among artists, managements and competing organizers.

Vadsø Jazzklubb looks forward to continuing to raise the standard for events and productions in the region and delivering even better experiences to their loyal audience and new guests. Crescat has proven to be an essential tool in its operations, and the club is grateful for the positive change it has brought about.

Cover image and portrait of A. Kvernhaug photographed by Tatjana Uschakowa

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