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Offer expired: Get your first three months of Crescat free

This offer has now expired, but if you don't want to miss out on future offers, sign up for our newsletter here.


Are you an event organizer? Do you want to make your event planning easier? Then our Special Summer Offer is perfect for you:

Get 100% of the power for 0% of the cost for a full 3 months when you sign up as a new customer before 31 July. 

Why wait for an end of year review? With Crescat's intuitive, easy-to-use, collaborative event management software, you can prepare for the busy autumn season and iron out the issues you've faced so far in 2024.

To make the decision even easier for you, we're giving you the first three months of Crescat completely free!

Yes, you read that right. Pay NOTHING for Crescat for the first free months and get a FREE 30 minute onboarding session, if you sign up by 31 July.

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