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Definition for 'Curfew'

Curfew in Live Event Production

Curfew in the live event production and music industry refers to the time at which a performance or event must end. This is typically set by the venue or local authorities and is in place to ensure that events do not disturb the surrounding community or violate noise ordinances.

Importance of Curfew

Curfews are important for maintaining good relationships with the community and ensuring that events can continue to take place in the future. They also help to prevent noise complaints and potential fines for the event organizers.


Curfews are typically enforced by venue staff or local law enforcement. If an event goes past the curfew time, organizers may face penalties or fines, and the venue could risk losing its license to host events in the future.

Impact on Performances

Curfews can impact the length and scheduling of performances, as artists and event organizers must ensure that the show ends on time to comply with the curfew. This may require adjustments to setlists or the overall flow of the event. Using tools like the Crescat Running Order can help manage these adjustments efficiently.

Overall, curfews play a crucial role in live event production, helping to maintain positive relationships with the community and ensuring that events can continue to take place in a responsible and respectful manner. For better event management, features like the Scheduler and Event Timeline Management can be invaluable.

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