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What does 'Patch List' mean?

Patch List

A patch list in live event production and the music industry is a document that outlines the signal flow and connections for all the audio and visual equipment used in a performance or event. It is a crucial tool for ensuring that all the equipment is connected correctly and that the sound and visuals are properly routed.

What's Included in a Patch List?

The patch list typically includes details such as the input and output connections for each piece of equipment, the signal flow for audio and visual elements, and any specific settings or configurations that need to be implemented. It may also include information about the stage layout and the placement of equipment.

Why is it Important?

Having a comprehensive patch list helps the production team and technicians to set up and troubleshoot the equipment efficiently. It ensures that everything is connected properly and that the audio and visual elements are working as intended. Without a patch list, there is a higher risk of errors and technical issues during the event.

Overall, a patch list is a valuable resource for ensuring a smooth and successful live event or performance.

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